Learning Method
Left Brain / Convergent Thinkers have a systematic approach and play by rules. They analyse everything and conclude logically.
Right Brain / Divergent Thinkers are creative and have a tendency to bend the rules. They are artistic and always looking for ways to express themselves.

Intelligence Quotient: reflects an individual's power of observation, memory, thinking ability, imagination.
Emotional Quotient: is to manage one's own emotions and interpersonal capabilities.
Adversity Quotient: inverse operator (Adversity Intelligence Quotient), refers to the ability to pressure the face of adversity and capabilities.
Creative Quotient: is one's courage, bold statements and creations and a spirit of adventure.
Self Cognitive You are self-centered, self-understanding, self-conscious, independent, innovative and like to discover new things on your own. You tend to be mistaken as stubborn. You believe that all human beings are unique individuals. You are very competitive and will not easily relinquish without putting up a fight. You are goal-oriented, self-impelled, self-motivated and you have very high self-expectations and will-power. However, you are subjective towards others and hard to convey yourself. You are good in repressing your emotions however you have the tendency to succumb to excessive self-indulgence as well as isolation. You do not simply resign yourself to changes.
Affective You are an imitation learner, your greatest advantages are your creativity and flexibility. Nevertheless, with this strength, you learn both good and bad things. Therefore, environment plays an important role in your learning progression. With your social-oriented characteristic, you value the relationships between people. At times, you tend to give up halfway in the midst of a learning process due to emotional commotions. Under such circumstances, you need encouragements and compliments to keep you going.
Reverse Thinking Your way of thinking often differs from others, showing a different viewpoint from the mainstream, with an outstanding performance. The main aspiration that drives you is your interest. You like to ask questions, and you are persistent in getting the answers which you will evaluate critically. You are self-centered and prefer to look at things in a different way thus people tend to regard you as eccentric, peculiar, rebellious and remote. You have rather high acuity and as a result you are able to make quick decisions without lengthy considerations.
Reflective You are full of infinite potential and plasticity. You are able to learn and absorb only if you are given proper guidance. You are a pragmatist. Practical and hardworking but lack of sensibility. You incline to familiar interpersonal relations and substantial goals. You are efficient and prudent hence you find confrontations and vagueness objectionable. Besides, you are also conservative, dubious, stagnant, sensitive, impatient, distant and defensive. You believe that nothing comes easy hence you work extremely hard to obtain something. Being honest, stubborn and emotionally erratic, you are rather weak in self expression.

Learn by seeing and watching. Use strong visual associations. You often use lists to organize your life and your thoughts. Plus, when spelling, you recognize words by how they look. You remember faces but forget names. You usually learn best by associating pictures with the words or concepts being used. You benefit when visuals are used as part of a lecture (whiteboard, transparencies, Power-point, films, videos, maps, charts, posters, graphs, etc.) Demonstrations by the professor are helpful, as are textbooks with pictures and diagrams. You often have a well-developed imagination and are easily distracted by movement or action in the classroom. However, noise will probably not distract you. You may not prefer to learn in study groups. Rather when studying, you tend to like to work alone in a quiet room.
Kinesthetic / WALK Learn by becoming physically involved and actually doing something with what's being learned. “Hands-on” activity is needed to get the learning to stick! “Being on the move” helps your memory to work. In the classroom, you benefit from physical activity, in-class demonstrations, “hands-on” student learning experiences, and professors who give real-life examples. Using large diagrams, floor/wall puzzles and large maps on the wall or floor are helpful. Charades, acting, interviewing, pantomiming, skits, and role-playing enhance learning. Laboratories, field trips, trial-and-error assignments, and fieldwork done outside the classroom promote more interest.
Auditory / TALK Learn by listening to verbal instructions; remember by forming the sounds of words. You find it easy to remember names but forget faces. You often do well working out solutions or problems by talking them out. In most circumstances you need to hear yourself say it in order to effectively commit to memory…you may find yourself reading aloud instead of reading silently, talking to yourself, or repeating instructions to make sure you understand them. Ask questions of the professor in order to gain understanding. Ask follow-up questions if necessary. The discussion cements the information for you. You are easily distracted by noise and often need to work where it is relatively quiet. However, you benefit from listening to lectures, dialogues, and plays; using audio recordings and videos, etc.; participating in group discussions; and interacting in listening/speaking exchanges.